Публикация картин художника в каталоге ARS LONGA

This album has been published by the Creative Union of Artists of Russia for several years with the support of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Works of masters, presented in the album only confirm that the creativity is multifaceted and infinitely perfect. The project ARS LONGA shows the diversity of Russian contemporary art via numerous sections of the Creative Union of Artists - painting, sculpture, drawing, photography , arts and crafts.

The pictures of a young artist Olga Fedorova are published in this album in the section "Painting".

One of them is oil painting "The house in the village". The second work in gouache "The Stone bridge , Regensburg" is especially dear to the author , because it was made when Olga was expecting a baby. Both works are in the genre of "Landscape". And each of the paintings demonstrates the artist's palette warmth and her inexhaustible need for a different design, technology, style.

Картины маслом молодого художника О.Федоровой опубликованы в каталоге ARS LONGAThe publication of the pictures in the experimental project ARS LONGA gave Olga Fedorova new experience and inspired her to create interesting works for a new album.